View Full Version : Want to go along?

03-12-2005, 08:12 PM
I'm going to be spending a day geocaching in Portland on Wednesday, Mar 16.

Anyone in that area want to go along? I'll be picking up RULOST2? at the airport that night, so I can drive for the day and would welcome a local guide for FAST AND EASY caches. I'll buy lunch...

We can emphasize caches you haven't logged - willing to go further south if you want.


03-12-2005, 10:39 PM
Hello WhereRWe! : )

I'd love to give you a tour of the Portland area but I have to work on Wednesday... Had it been a Tuesday, I would have been happy to earn myself a lunch. :)

If you're not able to find a guide by then, I've selected a few caches for you that are in the immediate area. I've chosen these five based on your criteria but also on the fact that I know that these are all very winter friendly. I've cached the entire Portland area and also have my hides in this area as well. If you should decide to broaden your scope, I might suggest a trip south as there are some good ones down that way as well. Let me know you might want additions to the list, a different criteria or a different area to look in.

Jetport Travel Bug Hotel ( by Bluegrass Gyrl (GCJHNB)

Monkezuma's Revenge ( by GeoMaine (GCMZBY)

My-cousin-in-Portland ( by Something Els, Anne & Zuurtje (GCM32K)

Monkey See, Monkey Do ( by Jeff Kingston & Family (Adopted by GeoMaine)

A Peaceful Read ( by Beach Comber (GCJPFN) - a very nice hide but may be a slight challenge in the winter. I recommended this one because it's a good find and you might find yourself already in the immediate area with MonSe Mondo.

If you should find yourself here in the summer, it's hard to go wrong with ANY of the area caches. With a near record snowfall this year, it's been a tough winter. : )

Beach Comber
03-13-2005, 01:40 AM
As much as I would love to be outside frolicking in the snow on Wednesday, I too, will be working.

I agree with the list of caches that GeoMaine has provided. Perhaps even add a couple more ...... GeoMaine's newest (Onkgre) though I cannot speak with experience from having done it since I haven't even figured out the puzzle yet - LOL. Others have found it so perhaps you should add it to the list - it is not too far from Monkey See, Monkey Do and Peaceful Read. The only other one that I can think of Payson Park by the Boulevard.

I'm not sure any of these will be easy though given the amount of snow we got this week - ugh!!!

Have fun!!!

03-13-2005, 08:31 AM
Thanks for the help! I've already figured out the coordinates for Geomaine's cahce (I think...), and will probably try that first. Then the others...

How much snow do you have down there now? When I was there on Tesday you only had a few inches. We got bout 6 inches in the latest storm - on top of the 2-3 feet already on the ground! We're having trouble finding places to put it... :eek:

Beach Comber
03-13-2005, 08:58 AM
How much snow do you have down there now? When I was there on Tesday you only had a few inches. We got bout 6 inches in the latest storm - on top of the 2-3 feet already on the ground! We're having trouble finding places to put it... :eek:
:eek: Are you sure you were in Portland, MAINE? LOL We have lots of snow! You must have been lucky enough to have missed the storm Tuesday into Wednesday while you were in Portland on Tuesday - it must have started after you left. We got a foot or so. PLUS we got another foot or so Friday into yesterday.

Please, make the snow stop! It's making me insane! Well, ok, MORE insane! :p

03-13-2005, 09:16 AM
It was raining when I left Portland on Tuesday - got nasty as I got to Augusta - very slippery and traffic going 20 MPH. The normal 1 hour drive from augusta took 2 hours! LOL!

We got 1 1/2 feet in that storm, and I'm glad the one yesterday was a relative "bust".

03-13-2005, 09:58 AM
It sounds as if it's going to be difficult for us next saturday. It's a good thing I'll have an experenced guide to the area. :D That is if your still willing :p We only got around 6 inches of wet stuff this time. IT HAS GOT TO STOP!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Beach Comber
03-13-2005, 11:06 AM
Couldn't think of a better way to explain the growth in snowbanks in Portland this week.
Here is the link and comment for a picture of the snow at my house.
Bruce - clearly things have changed since you were here on Tuesday! LOL
Brad - you can check out the picture and see what you think. It's supposed to be fairly warm in the next bunch of days so we may get rid of a bunch of this blasted snow. Let's touch base toward the end of the week. Was going to wait until next year toget snowshoes - maybe I shouldn't wait - LOL!
("An example of the snow in Portland. Almost put this under winter cachers - will need to use my GPS to find my house if the snow keeps falling!! Make it stop!")

03-13-2005, 11:50 AM
OK - here's what the snow looks like in Solon:

(Picture was a lot sharper before I had to shrink it to meet the size requirements)

03-13-2005, 12:35 PM
OK - here's what the snow looks like in Solon:

(Picture was a lot sharper before I had to shrink it to meet the size requirements)

Wow it is nice to know that you got a lot of snow we are leaving on our sleds next weekend from Solon to make a big loop to Rangeley, Jackman Greenville, Dover, Newport and back.

03-13-2005, 12:46 PM
The snow is so deep in Bangor, it's up to the hood of my YJTB

Wide view of the house is in the photo gallery at

Wish I could make it for a few caches, but have more important issues at home right now.

03-13-2005, 05:29 PM
LOL on the Jeep TB! :cool:

I heard the word 'Onkgre' mentioned in the posts and (heh) I didn't list it because it's not fast... nor easy. Perhaps er... 'Fullfilling' would be a better discription?

If any of you go to do it at some point, I hope that you all enjoy it. It may be my best effort so far. You'll either love it or hate it, there is no middle ground. : )

Pardon me for forgetting 'Payson Park' Beech Comber. I had very much liked it but couldn't remember all the details and if it fit in the given criteria or not...

So that's 6 you can occupy yourself while down here. Let us (or me) know if you're looking for more just outside of Portland or somewhere close to Portland.

-GeoMaine- (Stephan)

03-13-2005, 05:38 PM
I just hope the caches mentioned are "winter accessible"! LOL!

Beach Comber
03-13-2005, 06:14 PM
I suppose that depends on what you consider accessible ;)

The snow may make them a bit more difficult to find. And there will undoubtedly be the need to trudge through some snow to get to the location, but all-in-all it shouldn't be too bad. But then again, I have my frolick in the snow to the Etna Bog Cache as my reference point! Winter caching certainly has it's challenges.

03-13-2005, 07:55 PM
This week is the official first day of spring after all. Of course the snow will melt some before Saturday...won't it? :rolleyes:

Cache Maine
03-13-2005, 08:07 PM
The only quick and easy thing I saw was "the director (," and the Jetport one. The rest would be much more pleasurable after the melt...wait and go when you can really enjoy your time there. Just my .02!

03-13-2005, 08:20 PM
I did "The Director" and the Jetport Bg Hotel when I took RULOST2? to the airport! LOL!

The bug hotel needs a better container, though. It is a medium-small plastic container, and was damp inside when I was there. That's why I didn't leave the TB I brought with me.

It was sorta full, too. :(

03-13-2005, 10:36 PM
Hello all;

The caches I initially listed (plus the one that Beach Comber later mentioned) are all very winter friendly caches. :)

You will need to trudge but you won't dig* - I promise! (but please refer back to my original post for the notes on "A Peaceful Read" for the explanation behind the * I just gave you...)

Please note the info on these caches are coming straight from the horses' mouth, so to speak! : ) You could safely say that Beach Comber and I are pretty much 'the scene' here in interior Portland. I certainly don't want to exclude anyone but I definitely have to mention that 'TeamHorwich' is also active with hiding a few caches just outside of the Portland area.

I'm actually surprised you got "director" I would have thought that the "stone behind statue in bushes" would have been nicely buried by now. : )

Good luck and leave a post if you're looking for additions to the five remaining caches and what area you think you might like to head to.

-GeoMaine- (Stephan)

03-15-2005, 08:26 PM
Well, I just talked to RULOST2?, and she agreed that if after I spent the day geocaching tomorrow (she gets back late tomorrow night), I thought the snow was too much of a bother for us to continue geocaching on Thursday, we'd go shopping for a NEW CAR!!! Sheesh! Gotta love that girl! :o

Beach Comber
03-15-2005, 08:59 PM
WOW!!!! That sounds like a great way to spend a winter day! Have fun!

03-15-2005, 09:53 PM
Since my navigator and I have only been doing this since christmas, they have all (39) been winter caches. I here it gets easier in the spring. If you can see past the skeetas. I will vouch for all of GeoMaine's caches. I have enjoyed those that I could find.LOL.;) The snow will be gone about June at Highland Lake. I have posted a few pics of Windham. 30 inches of snow on the deck from last weeks two storms. Haven't seen my navigator since he started tunneling in the bankings on Sunday. lol.

03-15-2005, 11:08 PM
Of course there is one little thing to bring joy to spring caches. MUD...brown mud, black mud, gray mud, soft mud, squishy mud. Then the blackflies come out the very day that the mud dries a little. Oh spring in Maine, ain't it grand! I think I've gone over the edge....HELP!!! :eek:

03-16-2005, 08:21 PM
Let's see, mud, skeetas, rainy days, probally a little more snow, a herd of blackflies, versus. Mud slides, earthquakes, tornadoes, a hurricane or two, and tsunamis. We love Maine and wouldn't choose to live ( and go geocaching )
anywhere else.:D

03-16-2005, 10:15 PM
Ah... After all that, there is but one more thing to look forward to. TICKS. :mad:

Cache Maine
03-17-2005, 08:56 PM
So, how did things go in Portland? Let me guess, you forgot to pick up RULost2? because you were so busy caching? ;)

03-18-2005, 07:48 AM
So, how did things go in Portland? Let me guess, you forgot to pick up RULost2? because you were so busy caching? ;)

Well, the wet, slippery snow deterred me, but I checked out a LOT of cache locations, so our next Portland caching trip will be a winner. (I did get one virtual and one locationless cache out of the trip).

Was going to get "My Cousin in Portland", but slipped on the snow, fell and rolled quite a few feet - almost to the fence! Also checked "Monkey See" and "Montezume", but the cemetary gates were closed - they were removing snow. Likewise the new cache across the astreet - snow banks made parking terrible. Oh, well...

But we did go car shopping! Found a great NEW 2004 Ford Explorer, sticker price $32,600 that the dealer finally offered to us for $22,400! Didn't like the color, though, so were going to keep looking. LOL!