View Full Version : Toughest day geocaching?

07-06-2005, 01:31 PM
What's everybody's toughest day geocaching? Mine defiantly was on the 4th. Ended up 0 for 2 and didn't have time to search for anymore caches because of time spent searching for missing caches. Looks like Quaker Ridge may have been lost to logging activity and Songo Locks got muggled. On the bright side, we enjoyed spectacular views from the top of Quaker Ridge and enjoyed watching the holiday boat traffic passing through Songo Lock. I guess that just proves that there really isn't such a thing as a bad day of geocaching.

07-06-2005, 04:56 PM
The team has never been about the numbers, its always about the stories. And you have two fine ones. Dnf's do not make for a bad day. Not being able to go caching, however does. I remember the snows of last winter. Couldn't dig deep enough. Our logs were filled with RTD " refused to dig " hehehe :D :D

07-06-2005, 05:06 PM
Worse day is a toss up between "Over the Ridges and through the woods" GCGZ8Y and "Pineland" GCGZ72. Both are good caches but they were early on in our caching adventures. "Over" looks like Mount St. Helens with all the logging debris. The GPS bounced like mad and nothing but utter stubborness got us finally to the cache. Physically it was a bit of a challenge since my legs are ah... short and some of the climbing over debris and through streams was longer than my legs :D . Pineland was dumbness on our part since it was only our second cache and we did not take the correct trail in. So.... we bushwacked by coordinates - through the spring crusty snow, ice, slippery trails and mud. Found it and just in time as the spring floods had opened the container and flooded it.

Not BAD days, just learning experiences early on. Since I cannot grow longer legs, I have to get smarter at thinking about how to get to a cache.


Northwoods Explorer
07-17-2006, 01:49 PM
Our toughest day was a couple fo weeks ago in Bangor. Just returned froma three week trip and had a day in Bangor so we decided to try for 10 caches that we had download before we left. Started great found the frist two then had eight DNF's in a row, very depressing. Just to get home and look them up to find they were gone. So goes the day, we had a good time hunting anyway.:mad:

07-17-2006, 04:10 PM
Our toughest day was a couple fo weeks ago in Bangor. Just returned froma three week trip and had a day in Bangor so we decided to try for 10 caches that we had download before we left. Started great found the frist two then had eight DNF's in a row, very depressing. Just to get home and look them up to find they were gone. So goes the day, we had a good time hunting anyway.:mad:

You found a few of mine in the Bangor Area so I can only assume that these were not among the DNFs.

07-17-2006, 10:22 PM
8 in a row that vanished, bet they all belonged to the same person.:o

My toughest day has to be the day I got a late start, then drove back dirt roads, parked the 2WD PU and bushwacked 1 1/2 miles through pine trees to Foster's Solitude, bushwacked back (around 2pm) , then got another dozen caches before sunset.
Saw some great stuff though. A bad day of caching beats a good day at work. :D :D :D

07-17-2006, 11:36 PM
I'd have to say the time I almost met my maker trying to do "Dyslexic's Nightmare". I never did finish that one. Never really got started before "the incident". That was my worst day caching. You'll have to ask me in person for the details, though. ;)


07-18-2006, 12:48 AM
Tried to find "Troopin' Down the Trail" (GCRN6N) in West Gardiner, and I was with neo-cachers......I had been on the trail system for another cache, and was all confident about the easy grab this would be. We had found the cache after getting lost briefly because I decided to bushwack; but on the way OUT, we crossed an ATV trail and took it by mistake. Two and a HALF hours after entering the woods, and just before dark, we found our way out......

I've never been so glad that I set a waypoint at the car!! LOL!

The trail led to a backyard, and since we had crossed some swampy areas with a 6-year-old in tow, we walked out the driveway to the road where we walked the 1/2 mile BACK to the CAR. Fortunately, I had my neo-cachers hooked on the sport before we attemted this one, and thanks to my reassurances that this was the worst experience I'd had with this, they're still in it. =)

07-18-2006, 05:49 AM
Tried to find "Troopin' Down the Trail" (GCRN6N) in West Gardiner, and I was with neo-cachers......I had been on the trail system for another cache, and was all confident about the easy grab this would be. We had found the cache after getting lost briefly because I decided to bushwack; but on the way OUT, we crossed an ATV trail and took it by mistake. Two and a HALF hours after entering the woods, and just before dark, we found our way out......

I've never been so glad that I set a waypoint at the car!! LOL!

The trail led to a backyard, and since we had crossed some swampy areas with a 6-year-old in tow, we walked out the driveway to the road where we walked the 1/2 mile BACK to the CAR. Fortunately, I had my neo-cachers hooked on the sport before we attemted this one, and thanks to my reassurances that this was the worst experience I'd had with this, they're still in it. =)

LOL!! Haffy has a similar story with those same trails. I'm not sure how long he "wandered" but it was for quite awhile...LOL...

I remember reading in these forums to "mark" the car, not that I have heeded that advice and I probably will be adding my story soon of wandering aimlessly going," jeesh, that tree looks familar." or "I know I came up this trail.",,,,,LOL

Glad things turned out well!!!!

Cache On!!!!

07-18-2006, 08:57 AM
I remember reading in these forums to "mark" the car, not that I have heeded that advice and I probably will be adding my story soon of wandering aimlessly going," jeesh, that tree looks familar." or "I know I came up this trail.",,,,,LOL

You're like me TRF . . . you just use your "internal GPS", right? ;) :D

07-19-2006, 11:10 PM
When I think of toughest 3 caches come to mind. Bald Mountain and Tumbledown Challenge but those were tough because Shewolf and I did them with ice on the trails. We were climbing up frozen waterfalls both days.

The other one is Swamp Monster in Mass. I don't recommend that one to anybody. At least not by foot like I did it.

I have done some others that were tough but those three stand out.

07-19-2006, 11:25 PM
LOL!! Haffy has a similar story with those same trails. I'm not sure how long he "wandered" but it was for quite awhile...LOL...

Cache On!!!!
Mine's on the same trail, going for the cache in the middle. It was early in the season and REALLY muddy. I slipped and went down in the muck. It was so thick it just held me in like some kind of vacuum. I would try to get up but it pulled so hard I would end up falling back over on the opposite side. Finally I got upright and then it practically ate my shoes. When I got them back on andcame out there was a baseball game and some of the parents just stared. One woman laughed and just had to come over to ask what had happened.

But I found the cache! :D

07-20-2006, 07:12 AM
Mine's on the same trail, going for the cache in the middle. It was early in the season and REALLY muddy. I slipped and went down in the muck. It was so thick it just held me in like some kind of vacuum. I would try to get up but it pulled so hard I would end up falling back over on the opposite side. Finally I got upright and then it practically ate my shoes. When I got them back on andcame out there was a baseball game and some of the parents just stared. One woman laughed and just had to come over to ask what had happened.

But I found the cache! :D

I bet it wasn't funny at the time, but I bet you can look back on it and get a good laugh out of it now! I can only imagine what those baseball fans were thinking. :D


07-20-2006, 12:07 PM
I was laughing the whole time it was happening. It was too unreal to take seriously. I'm a drama queen anyway. :p When I got home, Steve even shook my hand because the amount of mud on my clothes and inside my backpack had to have broken some kind of record! Now I keep clean clothes in the car.