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Thread: Saving geocachingmaine.org

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Litchfield, Maine


    Quote Originally Posted by Team Richards View Post
    I remember that thread, and I think I took a quick look at the profile page at the time and didn't see where I could change it. I just looked again and I'm still missing it. It's not a big deal just nothing I would ever ask for.
    If you want to remove the donating member image do the following.
    Click on USERCP, click on Edit Your Details, and then scroll down to Custom User Title and type anything in that block and it will remove the donating member icon. If you want it back then put a check mark in the RESET field.
    Blazing Troll

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    So. China Maine

    Smile Saving GEOMAINE

    Final thought. I personally need no special recognition for causes to which I donate. Over the years I have been involved in a great deal of fund-raising for a lot of diverse organizations. One common practice that all fund-raisers have to recognize is that one way or another it's polite, common practice and right to recognize donors. Most people don't expect or want the attention and of course can give without providing their name. But to not acknowledge a gift in some fashion is akin to not saying "thank you." That's my point. Whether it's a shirt or a "Thanks" thread on the site, we should have something.
    Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Litchfield, Maine


    Final note on this. I am going to leave the bandwidth at what it is now. If we reach the limit it is set at now then we are going to have to work on something. It is set above what it was. When we reach it then everyone will know. The exceeded bandwidth message will be displayed. We have 36 donating members right now with the average of $5 a piece being donated.
    Blazing Troll

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