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Thread: Hunting Season

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Exclamation Hunting Season

    The hunting season is once again upon us and everyone needs to be prepared for being out in the woods. I am hoping to remind you, how early the season really starts and that there is someone out there in the woods hunting something other than ammo cans and tupperware.

    Here are the links for Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire. Maybe we could add an icon to the front page to remind everyone to wear blaze orange this time of year.

    Vermont http://www.vtfishandwildlife.com/Cal...terange=future

    Maine http://www.maine.gov/ifw/hunting_tra...imits_2008.htm

    New Hampshire http://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/Hunt...nd_seasons.htm
    Why not live life like it is your last day....instead of pretending to be a member of the Peter Pan Club and believing you will be around forever.

  2. #2


    i like the idea of the reminder icon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Oakland, Maine


    I wore a bright orange hunting hat in New Hampster last weekend. I'm not sure what the season is over there, but I do know that it's that much closer to Mass. hunters
    Geocaching Parrotheads

    Why can't we get a government sponsered tick eradication program?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Default Orange

    I have loaded my orange clothing into the truck today. It is now archery season in Maine and Bear season in Vermont. A little common sense goes a long way this time of year. If you hear shots when you get out of your vehicle, you might want to pick a different area. And if when you pull in to the parking area, there are several trucks parked with empty gun racks in the rear window, they are probably out there where you are headed.

    And please remember to place the appropriate icon, no hunting in the area, or a warning message on your cache page, that it is now hunting season and to wear orange when in the area.

    I have a Remington vest and it works great for caching, as it is "loaded" with pockets for caching stuff.

    Youth hunting day in Maine is on Saturday October 25th, just a week away.

    I copied this from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website. It is the section on who and how much orange you MUST wear. Not every hunter is required to wear orange, it depends upon the season.
    • Waterfowl Hunters: are not affected by the provisions below while hunting from a boat, blind, or in conjunction with waterfowl decoys.
    • Firearms Season on Deer: Anyone who hunts any species with a firearm or crossbow during any firearms season on deer (also on Youth Deer Day) must wear two articles of hunter orange clothing. One article must be a solid-colored hunter orange hat; the other must cover a major portion of the torso, such as a jacket, vest, coat or poncho and must be a minimum of 50% hunter orange in color (camouflage).
    • Moose Hunting Season: Anyone who hunts any species with a firearm or crossbow in a Wildlife Management District that is open to moose hunting must wear one article of solid-colored hunter orange clothing (hat or clothing) except in the 4 WMD’s (15, 16, 23 & 26) open during deer season. All laws pertaining to deer hunting apply to Moose hunters during that season.
    • Muzzle-loading Season on Deer: The hunter orange clothing requirements listed above under the firearms hunting season on deer apply.
    • Expanded and Special Archery Seasons on deer: Hunter orange clothing is not required.
    • Bear and Bird Hunters: ONLY required when hunting during the firearms hunting season on deer, the muzzleloading season on deer, or within an open moose hunting district during moose hunting season.
    Articles of Hunter Orange Clothing must be in good and serviceable condition and visible from all sides. A decal on an article of clothing that is otherwise solid-colored hunter orange does not disqualify that article of clothing from satisfying the requirements of this subsection. HUNTER ORANGE means a daylight fluorescent orange color with a dominant wave length between 595 and 605 nanometers, excitation purity not less than 85% and luminance factor of not less than 40%.
    Why not live life like it is your last day....instead of pretending to be a member of the Peter Pan Club and believing you will be around forever.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    So. China Maine

    Default Hunting Season

    Informative post by Team2Hunt. While a lot of deer hunting is done in areas that are just as "open" to geocachers as hunters, everybody is well advised to avoid a confrontation. The argument that " we have as much right to be in these woods as you do" won't be well received. The regular rifle season lasts only a month so let's give the deer hunters their space and keep the peace. I'll be one of those guys in orange, hopefully just for the first day, although because of this new found addiction, I haven't done any scouting this year. We'll see.
    Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Unity, Maine


    Quote Originally Posted by dubord207 View Post
    Informative post by Team2Hunt. While a lot of deer hunting is done in areas that are just as "open" to geocachers as hunters, everybody is well advised to avoid a confrontation. The argument that " we have as much right to be in these woods as you do" won't be well received. . . .
    My Uncle learned that the hard way . . . and the rub of it was that the "hunters" (I really don't consider them hunters . . . more like out-of-state thugs armed with guns) were hunting on his property without permission.
    "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the realization that there is something more important than fear."

    "Death is only one of many ways to die."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Bangor, Maine

    Thumbs up spreading the word

    Great thread topic T2H! It'll most likely be featured in the November Newsletter. Yeah, it would have been good for the October one, but it's still important because some seasons extend into Feb or Mar of 2009!
    Thanks for posting!
    And others, keep posting hunting season tips for geocachers.
    "Given a chance, a child will bring the confusion of the world to the woods, wash it in the creek, turn it over to see what lives on the unseen side of that confusion." --Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Solon, Maine


    Quote Originally Posted by Team2hunt View Post
    I have loaded my orange clothing into the truck today. It is now archery season in Maine and Bear season in Vermont.
    Also moose season in this area.

    (Until dusk tomorrow, that is...)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Oakland, Maine


    Upland Bird hunting as well, started Oct. 1st. I don't really know much about deer hunting, but have been bird hunting for about 10 years now. Most of the time, it's in a truck heater hunting. I do not see much likelyhood for confrontations with bird hunters.... but I never try to push my luck with someone who outguns me
    Geocaching Parrotheads

    Why can't we get a government sponsered tick eradication program?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Oakland, Maine


    As for the training required for out of state licenses, I'm not sure. All instate hunters are required to prove that they attended a hunters safety course. You are not allowed to hunt within 300' of a residence. You are not allowed to shoot over or within 50 yards of a public way. And not to really kick the hornets nest, but Maine averages one fatal hunting accident every two years. Maine averages 15 fatal snowmobile accidents every year. (www.maine.gov/difw) That being said, I'm saving up for two snowmobiles!! (Just don't let my wife know, it's easier to apologize than ask permission )Wear a little orange, make lots of noise, I think that we will all be fine.
    Geocaching Parrotheads

    Why can't we get a government sponsered tick eradication program?

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