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Thread: Nominations for Board Members

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Solon, Maine


    Quote Originally Posted by EMSDanel View Post
    Just a question for clarification: Are there certain positions or specific duties that come with a board appointment? I think it was Bruce who previously described duties that the current board members had assumed? Did this come naturally or were the duties divied up?
    Yup. I agree with Brdad. If a question came up about doing something, someone usually volunteered. Again, the Advisory Board was set up to be an informal group.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Solon, Maine


    Quote Originally Posted by Haffy View Post
    Dan Dubord has greatfully declined by my personal PM to him.
    Thanks, Haffy, but I for one would rather have a nominee decline in person, instead of 2d hand...

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Solon, Maine


    I would like to nominate Medawisla - Steph. (Or is it Medawookie? I forget...)

    Adds a woman's perspective to the board, and she has been VERY active in compiling the monthly newsletter.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Unity, Maine


    I decline.
    "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the realization that there is something more important than fear."

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  5. #15


    I would also like to decline. I have received several emails asking about it, so I'll just post my intentions here.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    I will accept.

    Quote Originally Posted by Advisory Board View Post
    The Advisory Board Election Poll has ended and the voters to have decided to hold an election to refresh the board.

    This thread is the next step for Geocaching Maine members to nominate themselves or other eligible Geocaching Maine members for one of the four available board positions.

    To nominate yourself, simply state your desire to run in this thread. To nominate someone else, state your nomination in this thread and inform the nominee. The nominee must accept his or her nomination by stating so in this thread. If you are nominated and choose not to run, please post here as well. Please specify the first name of the nominated person. This will help distinguish which person is nominated when the user name may include multiple people, as in teams of families using one user name.

    A list of members who have accepted their nomination or who have nominated themselves, as well as a list of nominees choosing not to run will be listed at the end of this post.

    Nominations will be taken until December 7th at 12 PM. Elections will be set up shortly after and run through to the end of December when the votes will be tallied.


    Nominated and accepted:

    Nominated awaiting accept/decline:

    Brdad - Dave
    Ekidokai - Mike
    EMSDanel - Dan
    Firefighterjake - Jason
    Hiram357 - Aaron
    Kayaking Loon - Jean
    Sudonim - Andy
    Tat - Tom
    WhereRWe? - Bruce

    Nominated and declined:

    Dubord207 - Dan
    Hollora - Lois

    All comments are a collaborative effort of the board members.
    Quote Originally Posted by Opalsns View Post
    I would also like to nominate Ekidokai ... Mike

    I have no enemies, but I'm intensely disliked by my friends.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Bangor, ME


    I choose to run for re-election. Figured I would announce now so Ekidokai isn't all alone on the accepted list.

    To those who have declined, thanks for considering it. You all would have done well I am sure.

    To anyone who has an interest in running and has not been nominated by someone else, there is no shame in offering to run!

    Perhaps more nominations will be discussed in chat tonight.

    "The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realize it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it..."

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Gainesville, Georgia


    I'd like to open the nomination up to Brad (Mainiac1957) if he is willing. Brad?
    Just smile it won't crack your face

    The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is
    suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best
    friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Orrington, Maine


    I was surprised and honored when Opalsns placed my name in nomination. But after a day's thought I'm going to decline. There are way too many things pulling at my available time and I wouldn't do it justice.

    Now......I'd like to nominate Team Richards....Dave

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Bangor, Maine

    Smile grawarrawarrawarrrrrrr

    that's medawookie for I accept

    So this is Medawisla (which by the way is native for loon)

    I'm accepting

    I hope more people who are nominated will accept, maybe change their minds and accept after all
    "Given a chance, a child will bring the confusion of the world to the woods, wash it in the creek, turn it over to see what lives on the unseen side of that confusion." --Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods

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