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Thread: Porcupines at Bangor City Forest!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Orlando, Florida

    Default Porcupines at Bangor City Forest!

    I'm not sure how common this is, but Andre (our dog) encountered a porcupine on one of the trails in Bangor City Forest. Cano, Ben and I went there on Saturday to do Ekidokai's series but had to cut the day short when Andre ended up with a lip full of quills. Thankfully he was on a leash so it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been.

    We called Ekidokai to ask him what the quickest way to get to our car would be so that we'd be able to take Andre to the emergency vet. Ekidokai kindly offered to come pick us up and drive us to our car so we could save some walking time

    Ben ended up being able to use the pliers in his pocket knife to pull out all but 2 of the quills. The last two were in really deep so he decided to leave them in and let the vet take care of them rather than risk breaking them. He usually keeps that pocket knife in the car because I give him a hard time about never needing it... but from now on I fully support carrying it with us lol

    Oh, and btw, the people at the emergency vet in Brewer are pretty awesome. Since it was just 2 quills and he did not need to be sedated they took care of Andre without even charging us!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Alfred, Maine


    Ditto on the Emergency vets in Brewer. A few weeks ago our 2 german shepherds got into it with a porcupine while we were hiking in the Abbot area. Luckly we wernt that far up the mountain and we turned around and headed back. We were able to pull out all of them in Brody but Greta had rubbed her face into the ground so many times that they were broken off and she had them in her mouth. We ended up taking just Greta to the Brewer Emergency vet and they took her right in. They were awesome. Glad Andre is doing fine. Im wondering if this encounter was enough to keep them from doing it again. I doubt it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    I've encountered quills and fish hooks. For quills I believe we poured white vinegar on them to soften...then clipped the end w/scissors..venting it and allowing it to shrink a bit. Next we used pliers as close to the skin as possible and supported the surrounding area w/the free hand as the pliers pulled firmly and swiftly straight outward. Not very fun at all Some vets will SoAk you with a bill that hurts worse than the quills...and then some.....esp. for an emergency call.
    I'm just nuts about geocaching!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Oakland, Maine


    Add this to the list of reasons that I'm currently petless. (My greyhound passed away last year and we have not settled on a new dog yet)
    Geocaching Parrotheads

    Why can't we get a government sponsered tick eradication program?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Bangor, ME

    Default Hmmmm

    If only we could train these porcupines to only attack the dogs (or better yet the owners who let their dogs) crap all over the trails!

    "The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realize it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it..."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Alfred, Maine


    I think Greta was out for about 15 minutes and the total bill was around 260 buckaroos. Ive heard of people paying upwards of 1500-2000 because the dog had them in their throats. It will have been worth every bit of the 260 if she never goes after another one again. Highly doubtful but Im hopeful! LOL

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Dogs DO NOT learn from Porcupine experiences any more than they do skunk! It's another critter to explore or which will challenge the dog - both critters being curious - dogs end up being quilled or sprayed again and again. Keep away is the only game which works.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Alfred, Maine


    Everyone laughs at me when were out with the dogs in the middle of nowheres and I whip out my doggie doo doo disposable bag dispencer. Its attatched to my pack with a carabiner. Leave it to my dogs though to always take a "dump" on the front lawn of Rite Aid or someplace public. Its so embarrasing trying to pull a 100 lb german shepherd off the front lawn so he can do his duty. Then picking it up and carrying it back to the minivan. Totally Gross! But I do it. I wouldnt want to be the one to step in it. I remember carrying one home from Mt.Chocorua all the way back to Alfred Maine. Ok now that ive gross'd everyone out Im done. LOL )

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by hvaclu View Post
    Everyone laughs at me when were out with the dogs in the middle of nowheres and I whip out my doggie doo doo disposable bag dispencer. Its attatched to my pack with a carabiner. Leave it to my dogs though to always take a "dump" on the front lawn of Rite Aid or someplace public. Its so embarrasing trying to pull a 100 lb german shepherd off the front lawn so he can do his duty. Then picking it up and carrying it back to the minivan. Totally Gross! But I do it. I wouldnt want to be the one to step in it. I remember carrying one home from Mt.Chocorua all the way back to Alfred Maine. Ok now that ive gross'd everyone out Im done. LOL )
    I applaud you for responsible dog ownership. To many people think if their dog does it in the woods it is ok! For years folks wondered why motels/hotels in towns with dog shows didn't want people with dogs - well, it if because of the people who don't clean up - because the poo was in the edge of the woods or under the shrubbery.

    Thank you for cleaning up - didn't gross me out - made me applaud!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    abbot maine


    Quote Originally Posted by hvaclu View Post
    Everyone laughs at me when were out with the dogs in the middle of nowheres and I whip out my doggie doo doo disposable bag dispencer. Its attatched to my pack with a carabiner. Leave it to my dogs though to always take a "dump" on the front lawn of Rite Aid or someplace public. Its so embarrasing trying to pull a 100 lb german shepherd off the front lawn so he can do his duty. Then picking it up and carrying it back to the minivan. Totally Gross! But I do it. I wouldnt want to be the one to step in it. I remember carrying one home from Mt.Chocorua all the way back to Alfred Maine. Ok now that ive gross'd everyone out Im done. LOL )
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