Anyone going caching?
Anyone going caching?
Happy Trails!
I was just wondering how fun it would be to put together a 'last minute' Poor Weather Caching Event. That would be one interesting 'FTF' alert experiment. Curious as to how much notice is needed by and the Publisher to put on an event. would be fun to have the logistics planned out in Just In Case.
I'm just nuts about geocaching!!
Hollora and I are heading to NH tomorrow for an event. Any more Maine folks want to go. We could go and make a good showing for the Maine contingency.
Happy Trails!
I'm debating a Maine Mall run and grabbing some GRC's along the way. Sundays supposed to be nicer.
Geocaching Parrotheads
Why can't we get a government sponsered tick eradication program?
I'm just going down for LA
Happy Trails!
Lee and I are in NH now visiting family. Had 3 little kids here overnight and their parents just picked them up so now we are resting and trying to decide what to do this afternoon. So I am adding some code to my stats macro, so there will be a few new items when I update.
Thought about the NH event but I think we are not coming back that way until Monday.
"The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realize it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it..."
Di and I were out the door to the gym at 6 this morning, massages at 8, breakfast at 9:30 grocery shopping then lunch at Riverside Farm Market, did Meals on Wheels and brought Pat and Gail a turkey pie and now it's couch potato time!
Anybody good at repairing model helicopters? I hope the hand to eye coordination doesn't go completely away at age 59 I'm flying the eflight 400. Some very cool videos of these things on YouTube.
By the way, Gail is doing well, maintain her good sense of humor and Pat is perfect doting husband, although I'm dragging him out on the trail next week for sure.
Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason.