Today I met up with a guide and I received a message from one some time ago and forgot to post about this.
There have been two complaints from guides out along the Rt. 9 corridor and the Stud Mill Rd. corridor.
Recently two women looking for a cache in the woods were being loud and way off course looking for a cache in the woods. They disturbed a guided bear hunt. These guides pay a fortune to lease the areas for these hunts and the customers pay a bunch also. These are not the caches along the roads. These are the caches way out in the woods.
The first confrontation involved two people that were being loud and had a bunch of cookies with them. When asked, they said they were caching. When told they were disrupting a bear hunt they were very surprised and asked if they should be wearing orange. The guide told them that they were more in line of getting eaten rather than shot with all the cookies and junk food they had.
So by request of the paper company and guides in the area they ask that any caches placed off the main roads proper have something prominently displayed on the cache page informing cachers of the bear hunting season like this:
Bear hunting starts last Monday in August through September 30th. Please don't bring food into the woods. Please be quite and stay close to the cache location during these times.
I have contacted some of the cache owners in the general area that the issues have arose and I ask that you pass this along to anyone you know that has a cache that might be in an area like this.
I have no enemies, but I'm intensely disliked by my friends.