"The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realize it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it..."
This is so sad......think about all those dimples that gave their lives.......
Also, I'm told that original golf balls had bumps instead of dimples. But (back to present day) dimples have taken ALL of the challenge out of golf. After all, any golfer will tell you, those dimples keep the ball going stright down the fairway each and every swing. Right? And - the ball is wrapped so tight on the inside that you can hit it 400 yards every time. What's the difficulty there? The ball starts out on a tee that keeps it up off the grass so that you don't get grass stains on your driver. The hole you're aiming at is several times the diameter of the ball (how hard is that?) The ball is always still when you hit it (can't miss!) Now, if someone pitched it at you that would make it a little more difficult. So you see, there's absolutely no challenge to golf. Like catching fish in a barrel.
Now MINIATURE golf.....that's a different story! At least there's a windmill so that you have to time your shot.