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Thread: So who is going from Maine?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Augusta, Maine


    Quote Originally Posted by Kaching Karen View Post
    Okay, I lied. I WILL NOT be hiking with my sister. So, now I'm thinking of going to the event. It looks like I can still register, but not get any of the perks, and get a campsite. Tat was originally going to drop Ellen and I off at the trail head on his way to Geowoodstock. Now, I'm just thinking of hitching a ride all the way to the event. Problem is, he's coming back too late in the week for me. I'd also like to take my bike (if I can ride one).
    No, I'm not biking home. I'm looking for a drive home and hopefully with someone who can put a bike rack on the back of their car or throw a bike on top.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Well, some of our folks are already on the road - on their trek to this event! We all, I am sure, which them safe travels. Already on FB I am seeing posts from Mainiac1957 about where he and quiltingmom have stopped. We wish all our GCM travelers well. Having been, myself. to 2 megas - I feel a bit bad not going this year. They are a ton of fun. But, I will take this opportunity to say ~~~

    if you couldn't travel to PA this year - consider jumping on board to support making the Earthcaching Event next fall a Mega! This is a great opportunity for Earthcaching but Caching in Maine in General.

    I hope our GCM folks post some updates here too - for those who don't do Facebook. Or perhaps - this is a good time to start a GCM blog???!!! Safe travels friends!

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