I spent an hour or two finding a few caches along the rails to trails in Windham. The series of snowshoe caches was placed by law1646, and I enjoyed my time outdoors today. These caches were well thought out, and well placed. The containers were not all the same, and one of the finds very challenging. I thought of nothing this morning but finding the caches. I even met a few other cachers along the way, 2 from New Hampshire and the others from Maine. We had a good talk and off we went in our opposite directions.

If anyone is looking for me next weekend, I will be enjoying myself at Big G's in Winslow, hosted by WhereRwe and RULOST2 also from Maine, and a few of their close geocaching friends, from Maine and beyond. So if you are tired of the everyday grind, take some time, head to Winslow Maine next Saturday and join us for some laughs, the best deli food in Maine, and some great geocaching stories.

I feel better already........