
View Poll Results: When you cache do you:

55. You may not vote on this poll
  • Cache alone

    8 14.55%
  • Cache with spouse

    21 38.18%
  • Cache with geowonderdog

    4 7.27%
  • Cache with friends

    8 14.55%
  • Cache with whomever I can it doesn't matter

    14 25.45%
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Thread: April 2011 Newsletter Poll

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Belgrade, ME


    I am pleased to see what a nice response we are getting for this months poll question! Be sure to check the results and see which one ends out ahead in the end! So far it is a close race!!

    And dont forget folks we are still waiting for tech questions, caching stories, member achievements, or any other ol thing you want to have in a future newsletter!

    OH YES! and dont forget to send your name the newsletter contest submissions! We have some wonderful entries so far....its going to be a tough decision for the board members to pick a winner! Let keep the entries comming and make their job even harder! LOL
    Hey! Dont forget to submit your suggestions for the Ammo Can! It's your newsletter. Help to make it wonderful!! P.S. I apologize now for the typos and misspellings in my post.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Orrington, Maine


    I almost always cache alone. I want to be the one to find the cache before I sign the log. Five people going out, one person finds the cache and 4 others sign the log, well, that just doesn't do it for me. I did go out once with TAT and he introduced me to a method where if one person finds the cache he quietly backs away and "sits out" until the other person finds it. I like that. I guess the exception for me would be if I went with several people into a place that required a high-riding 4WD vehicle that I could not otherwise get to.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    So. China Maine


    Di and I do a version of what Dan describes above. Once one of us finds it, we often "act" like we're still looking and then announce that it's been found without indicating where. This way we both enjoy the hide. I will confess that it's nice to have a live person with me when Di finds it and I need a hint!
    Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I like to use the same method when caching with others but there is a down side. If you are the one who typically finds it first than you will get a bunch of grief from the others in the group. Right Dan and DI!
    You can't have everything. Where would you put it?-Steven Wright

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