Hadn't really looked at the fees that are demanded for attending this event. With the posts coming in about people dropping out, another look was warranted.
It does seem steep. At this pace it doesn't look good for a Mega.
Hadn't really looked at the fees that are demanded for attending this event. With the posts coming in about people dropping out, another look was warranted.
It does seem steep. At this pace it doesn't look good for a Mega.
I have no enemies, but I'm intensely disliked by my friends.
I think there is still a good chance. Many people will not decide to come until the event is closer in time, and many will just choose to come to do the free stuff. Also, registration for everyone just opened up last night. Nearly 300 have logged a will attend on the cache page.
"The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realize it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it..."
Megas cost a lot to put on. Because this is a new type of event, sponsorship has been slow coming. This unfortunately has resulted in the costs you see. The high end Geowoodstock registration level is $100 this year. It is what it is. Not everyone will pay for the extras. That is the individuals choice.
Happy Trails!
I spent the $55 for the fluorite level registration. I think it is a fair price for a meal and a commemorative coin. I agree that putting on a big event like this is expensive and I have no issue forking over a few $$ for some extras.
Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana
Yes, This is definetly worth the extra $$$.. I am using it as an excuse to get away for the weekend and invest in one of my favorite hobbies... I too, think they will have no problem getting the numbers that they needed..
When I didn't see a level that worked for us, I suggest a new one. I noticed that every level included an evening meal and there is no way that our four year old is going to make it at a dinner, without a melt down, after a whole day event. I also wanted both geocoins offered. The Talc Level was created when I asked for a level without a meal or coin. The Gypsum Level is one step above that, with the coin. We added the second coin and T-shirts to our order to get what we wanted. If you haven't been back to the website to look at registration, go to http://www.earthcacheevent.org/register.html to see the update. Hope to see you there!
I'm not interested in meal and certainly in any coins or stuff, but I would like VIP parking, is there any level for that?