I have never seen "averaging" do a darn thing. I have used several different GPSrs and never once have the coordinates changed from the first ones that show up when the averaging starts, however the supposed accuracy goes up and down a lot. Averaging is waste of time. If you find that you are finding caches within an acceptable distance of GZ, somewhere around 40 feet, I can not tell you what is going on with your cords. I use the caching site method of taking about ten readings and then going back one last time and seeing which one is closest. That can all be done at the same time. I don't have many complaints on accuracy. Another thing I have noticed is that the same kind of GPSrs have a much better accuracy finding caches placed by the same type. Other than that up to 40 feet is not really that bad. There is a seminar tomorrow in Belfast and I am sure you would be able to get hands on help there.
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