If any one from the Southern part of the state (Bath) knows this person could you please find out anything that you could about there intentions in the game. I recently found the Maine Gold cache at Fort Knox and was very dissappointed to find that the cache was absolutly destroyed. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache...5-a451151b9c38 This "cache" is in a very nice spot and the spot deserves better. For long over a year now the cache has been reported damaged. At first it was a bit damp, then soggy and now impossible to do anything with and infact is now just litter at a historic site. I almost citoed it but decided against it. I have emailed the owner and posted a needs maintance and sent an email off to GPSfun. The email to GPSfun was not to do anything about it but to make him aware of the situation.

Thanks for any input